
Credit scores are crucial, especially when it comes to VA home loans. But let’s be honest, the rules can feel like a tangled web. 

That’s where this post steps in. I’ve got a guide tailored just for you, focusing on the VA home loan and credit score requirements in 2023.

“Is there a minimum score?” “Can I still qualify with a low credit score?” You’re not alone in asking these questions. And as an experienced loan officer, I’m here to help. 

I’ll walk you through the requirements, show you how VA loans stack up against others and even share some handy tips to lift your score. Ready to get started? Let’s begin.

Why are Credit Scores Important in Home Loans?

When it comes to home loans, the credit score is like your financial fingerprint. It’s unique to you and tells lenders much about your financial history.

Role of Credit Scores in Loan Approval

Think of your credit score as a trust meter. It’s a quick way for lenders to gauge how much they can trust you to repay the loan. A high score? That’s like a gold star. 

It shows you’ve handled credit well in the past. You’ve paid your bills on time and haven’t maxed out your credit cards. Lenders see this and think, “Here’s someone who’s likely to repay the loan. Let’s approve it.”

Impact of Credit Scores on Loan Terms

But the influence of your credit score doesn’t stop at loan approval. It also shapes the terms of your loan. A high credit score can unlock better terms. We’re talking about lower interest rates and more favorable repayment periods. 

On the flip side, a lower score might mean higher interest rates. Why? Because lenders see you as a higher risk. They charge more interest to balance that risk.

In short, your credit score is a big deal when it comes to home loans. It can be the difference between an approval or rejection, a low-interest rate, or a high one. That’s why understanding your credit score is the first step to securing a VA home loan.

What are the VA Home Loan Credit Score Requirements in 2023?

Regarding home loans, VA loans will still stand out in 2023. They’re more flexible when it comes to credit scores. 

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doesn’t set a hard and fast rule for a minimum credit score. Instead, they leave it to the lenders to decide.

Minimum Credit Score for VA Loans

So, what’s the score to aim for? Most VA lenders are looking for at least a 620. But some might give you a thumbs up with a score as low as 580. 

The 620 benchmark isn’t pulled out of thin air. It’s tied to the way mortgages move around after closing. 

Lenders often sell their mortgages to big entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These guys own more than 60% of all US residential mortgages. 

They buy mortgages in batches and like to see a minimum FICO score of 620. So, many mortgage companies follow suit.

Variations in Requirements Among Different Lenders

But here’s the thing. The VA doesn’t set a strict minimum. Lenders have the freedom to set their own rules. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Most lenders in the US want to see a minimum credit score of 620.


  • Some lenders might go as low as 580.


  • If your score is on the lower side, lenders might ask for things like manual underwriting or extra cash reserves.

Role of the Department of Veterans Affairs in VA Loans

The VA plays a big part in VA loans. But it’s not quite what you might think. Here’s the lowdown:

  • The VA guarantees part of the loan. This gives lenders the confidence to offer better terms.


  • The VA doesn’t lend money. They guarantee the loans made by private lenders.


  • If you’re in a tight spot, the VA can step in to help you avoid foreclosure.

Can You Still Get a VA Home Loan with a Bad Credit Score?

The short answer is yes. A less-than-perfect credit score doesn’t automatically disqualify you from securing a VA home loan. 

However, it does make the process a bit more challenging and might affect the terms of your loan. Let’s delve into the specifics.

Impact of Low Credit Scores on VA Home Loans

A low credit score can change the landscape of your VA home loan in a few ways:

  • Interest Rates: Lenders often set higher interest rates for borrowers with lower credit scores. This is their way of balancing the risk they take on.


  • Stricter Requirements: Lenders might impose more stringent VA home loan eligibility requirements on borrowers with low credit scores. This could mean a lower allowable debt-to-income ratio or a requirement for additional cash reserves.


  • Manual Underwriting: If your credit score is significantly low, your loan application might need to go through manual underwriting. This more detailed review process takes a closer look at your financial situation.

Manual Underwriting Process for Low Credit Scores

If your application requires manual underwriting, here’s what you need to know:

  • Detailed Review: An underwriter will deeply dive into your financial information. They’re looking to assess your ability to repay the loan.


  • Additional Requirements: You might need to provide proof of timely rent payments for the past 24 months or maintain additional cash reserves. These requirements serve as additional assurances to the lender.


  • Longer Processing Time: Manual underwriting is more time-consuming than automated underwriting. This means you might need to wait a bit longer for loan approval.

Realistic Expectations and Potential Hurdles with Low Credit Scores

Sure, securing a VA home loan with a low credit score is possible. Still, it’s essential to manage your expectations and be prepared for potential hurdles:

  • Higher Interest Rates: As mentioned earlier, you might face higher interest rates due to the perceived risk associated with lower credit scores.


  • Longer Wait Time: If your loan application requires manual underwriting, you’ll need patience, as the approval process might take longer.


  • Credit Improvement: While you’re working on securing your VA home loan, it’s also a good idea to work on improving your credit score.
A photo of a couple trying to fix their VA home loan credit score requirements by paying credit card debts.

How To Improve Your Credit Score for a VA Home Loan?

There are practical steps you can take to improve your score. This makes your dream of a VA home loan and credit score requirements more attainable.

Impact of Credit Utilization on Credit Score

Your credit utilization, or the portion of your available credit you’re using, carries significant weight in your credit score. If it’s high, lenders might see you as a risk, which can ding your score. 

Aim to maintain your credit utilization under 30%. It’s a clear signal to lenders that you’re in control of your credit.

Importance of On-Time Payments for Credit Score

Regular, on-time payments can do wonders for boosting your score. If you find it hard to remember when payments are due, consider setting up automatic payments or reminders.

Tips for Credit Score Improvement

Boosting your credit score isn’t an overnight process, but these tips can set you on the right path:

  • Timely Bill Payments: This isn’t just about credit card bills. Rent, utilities, even your cell phone bill – timely payments can positively influence your score.


  • Keep Your Credit Card Balances Low: High balances can push up your credit utilization ratio, hurting your score. Keep those balances in check.


  • Apply for New Credit Sparingly: Each credit application can cause a slight dip in your credit score. Apply only when necessary.


  • Don’t Close Your Old Credit Accounts: The length of your credit history matters. Even if you don’t use a credit card often, consider keeping it open to lengthen your credit history.


  • Check Your Credit Reports: Errors on your credit reports can pull down your credit score. Regularly review your reports and dispute any errors you spot.

Remember, improving your credit score is more of a marathon than a sprint. It takes time to establish good credit habits, but the payoff comes when you secure your VA home loan.

How Can You Prepare for Your VA Home Loan Application?

Getting ready to apply for a VA home loan? Preparation is key. Let’s walk through the steps you can take to make the process as smooth as possible.

Steps to Check Your Credit Report

Your credit report is like a report card for your financial health. Here’s how to check it:

  • Request Your Report: You can request a free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) once a year through AnnualCreditReport.com.
  • Review Your Report: Look for any errors or discrepancies. These could be accounts you don’t recognize or incorrect payment histories.
  • Dispute Errors: If you find any errors, dispute them with the credit bureau. They’re required by law to investigate and correct any errors.

Strategies to Reduce Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is another factor lenders consider. Here’s how to improve it:

  • Pay Down Debt: The less debt you have, the better your debt-to-income ratio. Focus on paying down high-interest debts first. For example, if you have a credit card with a 20% interest rate and a student loan with a 5% interest rate, focus on the credit card debt first.
  • Avoid New Debt: Try not to take on any new debt in the months leading up to your home loan application. This includes new credit cards or car loans.
  • Increase Your Income: If possible, look for ways to increase your income. This could be asking for a raise, getting a second job, or starting a side hustle.

Necessary Documentation for VA Home Loan Application

When you’re ready to apply for your VA home loan, you’ll need to gather some documents:

  • Certificate of Eligibility (COE): This confirms for your lender that you qualify for the VA home loan benefit. You can request a COE online, through your lender, or by mail.
  • Financial Information: This includes pay stubs, bank statements, and tax returns. These documents give lenders a snapshot of your financial health. For example, your pay stubs show your income, your bank statements show your savings and spending habits, and your tax returns show your income history.
  • Personal Identification: You’ll need a valid ID, like a driver’s license or passport.

By checking your credit report, improving your debt-to-income ratio, and gathering necessary documents, you can make the application process smoother and increase your chances of approval.


In general, the journey to securing a VA home loan can be intricate, but you’re now better equipped to navigate this path. You’ve gained insights into the role of VA home loan and credit score requirements and the steps to prepare for your application.

Ready to take the next step? Contact a knowledgeable loan officer who specializes in VA home loans. They can provide valuable guidance and help streamline the process.

So, don’t hesitate. Your dream home is within reach. Embark on this journey with confidence and determination.

VA Home Loan And Credit Score Requirements FAQs

How much does the VA approve for a home loan?

With full entitlement, there’s no limit on loans over $144,000. If you have remaining entitlement, your limit is based on your county’s loan limit.

Can I have a cosigner on a VA loan?

Yes, you can have a co-signer on a VA loan. The co-signer needs to be your spouse or another eligible veteran to maintain full VA loan benefits.

What is the highest credit score for a VA home loan?

The VA doesn’t set a maximum credit score requirement. As long as you meet the lender’s minimum credit score requirement, you can qualify for a VA loan, even if your score is as high as 850.

Are VA loan credit requirements lenient?

Yes, VA loan credit requirements are generally more lenient compared to other loan types. The VA doesn’t set a minimum credit score, and some lenders may approve borrowers with scores as low as 580.